This picture doesn't even do it justice!
Buddy didn't leave his side when we got back from the hospital, it was cute!
I cant even begin to describe how glad I am that this week is over! It started on Monday when we found out that we owe $2000 dollars to our wonderful government. So we thought that sucks but we can swing it and then Tuesday night we got that infamous virus that everyone was freaking out about (of course we didn't think we would get it) but we did and it killed our computer. So on Wednesday we went and spent $1200 on a new one. We kinda thought ok how could this week get worse and then it did...Friday night Todd had a church basketball game. We are in tournament time and luckily we were up by 30 points in the 4th. Which makes it worse that Todd was even in the game. But a guy went for the ball and clawed his eye. It wouldn't stop bleeding so we decided to rinse him off and head to the ER. We got there and after about 15 minutes of looking at him they said he needs to be taken into surgery. They called the eye surgeon in and he said that his tear duct and eyelid were torn and if they didn't do the surgery then he would have problems with his eye and vision for the rest of his life. (I learned something very important...I suck at hospitals! I got physically sick watching them put the IV in, I got physically sick when they hooked up his machines in pre-surgery and I got physically sick and almost passed out at the end when they took everything out!) Anyway after about an hour in surgery he came out high as a kite and I have to say that he said some of the cutest things ever while he was under. Luckily I could take him home that night and we got home at about 4am. Now being that we have no insurance this one will knock the first two out of the water :) They ended up putting a shunt in his nose to attach and help it heal and stitches across his eye. We go in next week to get the stitches out and have the doctor check vision and everything and in 6 weeks we get the tube out. So that was our week. But we have great family, good friends, and love each other, what more could you ask for!
And HAPPY EASTER TO ALL! We had a wonderful time on Sunday at Aunt Margo's. Had a huge Easter egg hunt, played basketball in the gym, and got to do some bowling. Their house is like a small Disney park :) Thanks to all it was fun!
4 comments: ball has just taken on a more competitive meaning (and I thought it was competitive before). I'm so sorry about all your recent "bad luck" issues. We've had those moments, too. Hopefully things begin to look up soon. I hope Todd gets better.
Hey Aubrey, it's been a long time! Wow, his eye looks like it hurts bad. Sorry about all your bad luck this week. I don't have insurance either, it's kind of a scary thing. Hope everything heals well.
Oh my goodness! So many things going wrong. Just remember to keep laughing even though you want to cry. I wish for better days for you two. I hope Todd gets better soon.
oh my gosh! what a week you two have had-i'm so sorry for all the mishaps-and poor todd. i'll be sure to have mason give him a call. hope this week goes much better for you guys:)
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